

Wednesday at 8:00 PM

Otomo Yoshihide Special Big Band

entry: presale 27 € / 22 € discounted // at the door 32 € / 27 € discounted

We are very excited to present the Japanese composer and musician – guitarist, turntablist and electronics player – Otomo Yoshihide. He is one of the key figures of world experimental music.

Already in the 90s he was the leader of the band Ground Zero and since then he has created solo or with collaborations in various stylistic corners, from free improvisation, noise and jazz to classical. Although the scope of his work is indeed wide, his common trait is that he has always approached music in a straightforward manner, based on a clear plan, without any ambiguity or obfuscation.

In 2019, Yoshihide already played solo at A4. This autumn, the unique 17-piece Otomo Yoshihide Special Big Band – a jazz-electroacoustic improvisational project that is the culmination of the musician’s work to date, as well as the current concert season – will star. With its jazz approach, the ensemble is also the successor to the Otomo Yoshihide New Jazz Quintet (1999-2004) and its expanded version, the Otomo Yoshihide New Jazz Orchestra. We can ensure you unbridled energy and a trans-genre experience.

Guitar: Otomo Yoshihide
Piano, electronic piano: Eto Naoko
Keyboard, harmonica: Kondo Tatsuo
Accordeon: Okuchi Shunsuke
Bass guitar: Kawai Shinobu
Drums: Kobayashi Takefumi & Itoken
Percussion: Aikawa Hitomi
Electronics, sinewaves: Sachiko M
Flute, piccolo flute: Saito Kan
Clarinet: Inoue Nashie
Sax: Egawa Ryoko, Suzuki Hiroshi & Higashi Ryota
Trumpet, flugelhorn: Sato Shutoku
Trombone: Imagome Osamu
Tuba: Kimura Jinya

Dear visitors,

The leadership of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic is taking steps that are destroying Slovak culture! Their power interventions and changes in laws threaten our functioning as well as freedom and diversity of art. We protest against this course! The cultural centers associated in the Anténa network call on you, our audience, not to stay indifferent. We call on you to follow current events, visit our cultural spaces and discuss.

Stay with us and let’s fight together for free culture.

Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council and Bratislava City Foundation.

entry: presale 27 € / 22 € discounted // at the door 32 € / 27 € discounted