June 25

Our end is our beginning!

The A4 has a special farewell-welcoming party prepared for the end of the season and start of the summer. The first of July at five pm the summer terrace will mark the beginning of the first and full summer day during which you’ll be able to enjoy not only barbecuing and kids’ program or volunteer run workshop on Gender Equality but also a rich music line up consisting of the American producer Pictureplane, Slovak project Hallogenerator and also of local DJs of the A4!

Every end is also something else’s beginning, joyful mostly when happening in between of two pleasant eras. Summer opening barbecue party is at the same time the last party of this year’s season during which both the visitors and production team of the A4 will say goodbye for the two upcoming holiday months. Both familiar and the backstage faces of the A4 team and the EVS volunteers will be spotted not only on the dance floor or the terrace but some of them also behind the DJ desk.
This day the A4 spaces will be concentrating many different genres of fun and discussion topics. You will be able to feel the musical and visual touch of vaporwave, postinternet and techno apocalypse as the acute climate change approaches in the accelerating pace of nowadays also on our terrace. Except for that and the barbecue, there will be a program for kids by our animator Janka prepared and the interior of the A4 will be hosting the popular reunion event of volunteers of the European Volunteer Service Whatevs and their Gender Equality workshop.

As the night approaches, the program will be ruled by innovative music. American producer Pictureplane loves to work around terms like “Post Physical”, “Touching Transform” or “Trancegender” not only as the titles of his songs. The Slovak project Hallogenerator will bring a multimedia electrosaga by a sad futuristic robot playing the biggest hits. One of the highlights of the day will be the performances of our local A4 DJs – the intergalactic (graphic) duo A&T and the DJ Hamborgarafabrikkan a.k.a. Slávo.
Here’s your invitation for the musically colorful farewell to the season during which you will be pulsing with the most current of topics and visuals and hopefully stay tuned for the summer and the next season of A4’s program staring again in September! See you sooner or later!