March 14

The legendary electronic duo die Angel is coming to A4!

Come to A4 and listen to the heritage of one of the most famous electronic bands of the last three decades! The spirit of Pan Sonic will be brought back to life by the best fitting project Die Angel, that used to play together with Pan Sonic – if you used to love them, you will recognize their sound in Die Angel, too. The 14th of March in A4 stands for a crystalline madness.

Pan Sonic was once a legendary experimental band from Finland. Legendary because of their attitude and their approach to live playing – best known for their extra long concerts. Sometimes they would lock themselves up in a studio for hours only to listen to high frequency sounds and bring the experiences from such moments to their albums. Pan Sonic were also known for the controversy with a well known electronics producer resulting in a slight change of their name.

There are some lucky ones who can remember Pan Sonic’s performance live back at the Next Festival 2005. Mika Vainio later came to play at the 2009 edition of Next Festival, where one of the speakers didn’t survive the performance – which we don’t think was a coincidence!

Unfortunately last year the musical world had to say goodbye to Vainio after his unexpected death. Ipo Väisänen, the second member of Pan Sonic is since dealing with the loss of his musical partner the best way he knows how – through noise in project Die Angel.

Die Angel used to work alongside Pan Sonic – last year they released their eight album Entropien. It’s again experimental techno with raw and sharp sounds, terrain soundscape recordings, abstract buzzing, white noise resulting into a chaos combined with steady rhythm and spirit of Mika Vainio.

In project Die Angel there’s also Schneider TM – a “box-er” who you might remember from the music TV channel Viva 3. His electronics have a digital soul – he remixed The Smiths in then popular clicks n’cuts sound and brings the delicate digital pops into the sound of Die Angel. On the last album you could also hear the Australian composer and guitarist Oren Ambarchi.

Die Angel is music for the moment, for the current situation on the stage. It comes out of an improvisation from behind a hoard of cables. If you enjoy the physical touch of sound, you’re aiming for the right experience. Die Angel played here ten years ago and now it’s the time to get updated and hear them again.

The supporting act from the local scene will the the project Odpał by Acidmilk. Still named Amen Tma they released an album of “insect techno” under the label LOM. In the band 0N0 Amen Tma played

The legendary electronic duo die Angel is coming to A4!

Come to A4 and listen to the heritage of the most famous electronic bands of the last three decades! The spirit of Pan Sonic will be brought back to life by the best fitting project Die Angel, that used to be playing together with Pan Sonic. If you used to love them, you will recognize their sound in Die Angel, too. The 14th of March in A4 stands for a crystalline madness.

Pan Sonic was once a legendary experimental band from Finland. Legendary because of their attitude and their approach to live playing – best known for their extra long concerts. Sometimes they would lock themselves up in a studio for hours only to listen to high frequency sounds and bring the experiences from such moments into their albums. Pan Sonic were also known for the controversy with a well known electronics producer resulting in changing of their name.

There are some lucky ones who can remember Pan Sonic’s performance live at the Next Festival 2005. Mika Vainio later came to play at the 2009 edition of Next Festival, where one of the speakers didn’t survive the performance. We don’t think that was a coincidence!

Unfortunately last year the musical world had to say goodbye to Vainio after his unexpected death. Ipo Väisänen, the second member of Pan Sonic is since then dealing with the loss of his musical partner the best way he knows how – through noise in project Die Angel.

Die Angel used to work alongside Pan Sonic – last year they released their eight album Entropien. It’s again experimental techno with raw and sharp sounds, terrain soundscape recordings, abstract buzzing, white noise resulting into a chaos combined with steady rhythm and spirit of Mika Vainio.

In project Die Angel there’s also Schneider TM – a “box-er” who you might remember from the music TV channel Viva 3. His electronics have digital soul – he remixed The Smiths in then popular clicks n’cuts sound and he brings the delicate digital pops into the sound of Die Angel. On the last album you could also hear the Australian composer and guitarist Oren Ambarchi.

Die Angel is music for the moment, for the current situation on the stage. It comes out of an improvisation from behind a hoard of cables. If you enjoy the physical touch of sound, you’re aiming for the right experience. Die Angel played here ten years ago and now it’s the time to get updated and hear them again.

The supporting act from the local scene will the the project Odpał by Acidmilk. Still named Amen Tma they released an album of “insect techno” under the label LOM. In the band 0N0 Amen Tma played psychedelic doom metal and was awarded in Radio Head Awards last year.

Come to hear Die Angel and Odpał buzzing and vibrating between the A4’s walls with their drone doom on Wednesday the 14th of March.

(Peter Dolník)

Fee 8 Euro / Pre sale 6 Euro

Come to A4 and listen to the heritage of one of the most famous electronic bands of the last three decades! The spirit of Pan Sonic will be brought back to life by the best fitting project Die Angel, that used to play together with Pan Sonic – if you used to love them, you will recognize their sound in Die Angel, too. The 14th of March in A4 stands for a crystalline madness.

Pan Sonic was once a legendary experimental band from Finland. Legendary because of their attitude and their approach to live playing – best known for their extra long concerts. Sometimes they would lock themselves up in a studio for hours only to listen to high frequency sounds and bring the experiences from such moments to their albums. Pan Sonic were also known for the controversy with a well known electronics producer resulting in a slight change of their name.

There are some lucky ones who can remember Pan Sonic’s performance live back at the Next Festival 2005. Mika Vainio later came to play at the 2009 edition of Next Festival, where one of the speakers didn’t survive the performance – which we don’t think was a coincidence!

Unfortunately last year the musical world had to say goodbye to Vainio after his unexpected death. Ipo Väisänen, the second member of Pan Sonic is since dealing with the loss of his musical partner the best way he knows how – through noise in project Die Angel.

Die Angel used to work alongside Pan Sonic – last year they released their eight album Entropien. It’s again experimental techno with raw and sharp sounds, terrain soundscape recordings, abstract buzzing, white noise resulting into a chaos combined with steady rhythm and spirit of Mika Vainio.

In project Die Angel there’s also Schneider TM – a “box-er” who you might remember from the music TV channel Viva 3. His electronics have a digital soul – he remixed The Smiths in then popular clicks n’cuts sound and brings the delicate digital pops into the sound of Die Angel. On the last album you could also hear the Australian composer and guitarist Oren Ambarchi.

Die Angel is music for the moment, for the current situation on the stage. It comes out of an improvisation from behind a hoard of cables. If you enjoy the physical touch of sound, you’re aiming for the right experience. Die Angel played here ten years ago and now it’s the time to get updated and hear them again.

The supporting act from the local scene will the the project Odpał by Acidmilk. Still named Amen Tma they released an album of “insect techno” under the label LOM. In the band 0N0 Amen Tma played

The legendary electronic duo die Angel is coming to A4!

Come to A4 and listen to the heritage of the most famous electronic bands of the last three decades! The spirit of Pan Sonic will be brought back to life by the best fitting project Die Angel, that used to be playing together with Pan Sonic. If you used to love them, you will recognize their sound in Die Angel, too. The 14th of March in A4 stands for a crystalline madness.

Pan Sonic was once a legendary experimental band from Finland. Legendary because of their attitude and their approach to live playing – best known for their extra long concerts. Sometimes they would lock themselves up in a studio for hours only to listen to high frequency sounds and bring the experiences from such moments into their albums. Pan Sonic were also known for the controversy with a well known electronics producer resulting in changing of their name.

There are some lucky ones who can remember Pan Sonic’s performance live at the Next Festival 2005. Mika Vainio later came to play at the 2009 edition of Next Festival, where one of the speakers didn’t survive the performance. We don’t think that was a coincidence!

Unfortunately last year the musical world had to say goodbye to Vainio after his unexpected death. Ipo Väisänen, the second member of Pan Sonic is since then dealing with the loss of his musical partner the best way he knows how – through noise in project Die Angel.

Die Angel used to work alongside Pan Sonic – last year they released their eight album Entropien. It’s again experimental techno with raw and sharp sounds, terrain soundscape recordings, abstract buzzing, white noise resulting into a chaos combined with steady rhythm and spirit of Mika Vainio.

In project Die Angel there’s also Schneider TM – a “box-er” who you might remember from the music TV channel Viva 3. His electronics have digital soul – he remixed The Smiths in then popular clicks n’cuts sound and he brings the delicate digital pops into the sound of Die Angel. On the last album you could also hear the Australian composer and guitarist Oren Ambarchi.

Die Angel is music for the moment, for the current situation on the stage. It comes out of an improvisation from behind a hoard of cables. If you enjoy the physical touch of sound, you’re aiming for the right experience. Die Angel played here ten years ago and now it’s the time to get updated and hear them again.

The supporting act from the local scene will the the project Odpał by Acidmilk. Still named Amen Tma they released an album of “insect techno” under the label LOM. In the band 0N0 Amen Tma played psychedelic doom metal and was awarded in Radio Head Awards last year.

Come to hear Die Angel and Odpał buzzing and vibrating between the A4’s walls with their drone doom on Wednesday the 14th of March.

Come to A4 and listen to the heritage of one of the most famous electronic bands of the last three decades! The spirit of Pan Sonic will be brought back to life by the best fitting project Die Angel, that used to play together with Pan Sonic – if you used to love them, you will recognize their sound in Die Angel, too. The 14th of March in A4 stands for a crystalline madness.

Pan Sonic was once a legendary experimental band from Finland. Legendary because of their attitude and their approach to live playing – best known for their extra long concerts. Sometimes they would lock themselves up in a studio for hours only to listen to high frequency sounds and bring the experiences from such moments to their albums. Pan Sonic were also known for the controversy with a well known electronics producer resulting in a slight change of their name.

There are some lucky ones who can remember Pan Sonic’s performance live back at the Next Festival 2005. Mika Vainio later came to play at the 2009 edition of Next Festival, where one of the speakers didn’t survive the performance – which we don’t think was a coincidence!

Unfortunately last year the musical world had to say goodbye to Vainio after his unexpected death. Ipo Väisänen, the second member of Pan Sonic is since dealing with the loss of his musical partner the best way he knows how – through noise in project Die Angel.

Die Angel used to work alongside Pan Sonic – last year they released their eight album Entropien. It’s again experimental techno with raw and sharp sounds, terrain soundscape recordings, abstract buzzing, white noise resulting into a chaos combined with steady rhythm and spirit of Mika Vainio.

In project Die Angel there’s also Schneider TM – a “box-er” who you might remember from the music TV channel Viva 3. His electronics have a digital soul – he remixed The Smiths in then popular clicks n’cuts sound and brings the delicate digital pops into the sound of Die Angel. On the last album you could also hear the Australian composer and guitarist Oren Ambarchi.

Die Angel is music for the moment, for the current situation on the stage. It comes out of an improvisation from behind a hoard of cables. If you enjoy the physical touch of sound, you’re aiming for the right experience. Die Angel played here ten years ago and now it’s the time to get updated and hear them again.

The supporting act from the local scene will the the project Odpał by Acidmilk. Still named Amen Tma they released an album of “insect techno” under the label LOM. In the band 0N0 Amen Tma played

The legendary electronic duo die Angel is coming to A4!

Come to A4 and listen to the heritage of the most famous electronic bands of the last three decades! The spirit of Pan Sonic will be brought back to life by the best fitting project Die Angel, that used to be playing together with Pan Sonic. If you used to love them, you will recognize their sound in Die Angel, too. The 14th of March in A4 stands for a crystalline madness.

Pan Sonic was once a legendary experimental band from Finland. Legendary because of their attitude and their approach to live playing – best known for their extra long concerts. Sometimes they would lock themselves up in a studio for hours only to listen to high frequency sounds and bring the experiences from such moments into their albums. Pan Sonic were also known for the controversy with a well known electronics producer resulting in changing of their name.

There are some lucky ones who can remember Pan Sonic’s performance live at the Next Festival 2005. Mika Vainio later came to play at the 2009 edition of Next Festival, where one of the speakers didn’t survive the performance. We don’t think that was a coincidence!

Unfortunately last year the musical world had to say goodbye to Vainio after his unexpected death. Ipo Väisänen, the second member of Pan Sonic is since then dealing with the loss of his musical partner the best way he knows how – through noise in project Die Angel.

Die Angel used to work alongside Pan Sonic – last year they released their eight album Entropien. It’s again experimental techno with raw and sharp sounds, terrain soundscape recordings, abstract buzzing, white noise resulting into a chaos combined with steady rhythm and spirit of Mika Vainio.

In project Die Angel there’s also Schneider TM – a “box-er” who you might remember from the music TV channel Viva 3. His electronics have digital soul – he remixed The Smiths in then popular clicks n’cuts sound and he brings the delicate digital pops into the sound of Die Angel. On the last album you could also hear the Australian composer and guitarist Oren Ambarchi.

Die Angel is music for the moment, for the current situation on the stage. It comes out of an improvisation from behind a hoard of cables. If you enjoy the physical touch of sound, you’re aiming for the right experience. Die Angel played here ten years ago and now it’s the time to get updated and hear them again.

The supporting act from the local scene will the the project Odpał by Acidmilk. Still named Amen Tma they released an album of “insect techno” under the label LOM. In the band 0N0 Amen Tma played psychedelic doom metal and was awarded in Radio Head Awards last year.

Come to hear Die Angel and Odpał buzzing and vibrating between the A4’s walls with their drone doom on Wednesday the 14th of March.