Role of culture centres as sites of informal education (online seminar)
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On March 25-26.2021 A4 is hosting a seminar Role of culture centres as sites of informal education on local/regional/national/international level.
The overall theme of our seminar is exploring the role of culture centres as sites of informal education.
This seminar is a part of SPOTing platform. Spaces of Transformation in Arts Education (SPOTing) brings together arts educators from 8 cultural centres around Europe. The project aims to stimulate professional development and knowledge exchange within the field. It also strives to support professionals and evaluate existing practices. The main mission is to strengthen the field of arts education in Europe. SPOTing platform is part of Trans Europe Halles network.
You can find the whole programme of the seminar, as well as the information about speakers HERE.
The public parts of the seminar will be streamed on A4 TV youtube, A4 Facebook and A4 website.

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