10. októbra

Machine Girl | A4 – priestor súčasnej kultúry

A4 – Priestor súčasnej kultúry
Machine Girl (US) / Bartek / greyArea (performance)

S americkou zostavou Machine Girl sa asi najviac spája označenie “digital hardcore”. Projekt, ktorý založili v New Yorku spevák a producent Matt Stephenson a bubeník Sean Kelly, sa rýchlo stal známym pre svoje nepredvídateľné a katarzné živé vystúpenia. Ich presvedčivá energia dokáže osloviť a spojiť rôznorodé publiká. Popri iných newyorských umelcoch, ako sú Bonnie Baxter, Prison Religion a Deli Girls, stojí Machine Girl na čele novej vlny DIY hudobnej kultúry, ktorá pôsobí na hraniciach medzi punkom, noise, technom a rapom. Hudba Machine Girl zvukovo rúca hranice medzi týmito žánrami a odráža presýtenie všadeprítomnými médiami. Je to soundtrack pre postmoderný svet, v ktorom sa kultúrne referenčné body stali univerzálnymi, ľahko dostupnými komukoľvek a kedykoľvek na konzumáciu.
Z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia a Nadácia mesta Bratislavy.

Originally formed in New York City and recently relocated to Pittsburgh, Machine Girl is a solo turned two piece digital hardcore outfit consisting of vocalist / producer Matt Stephenson and drummer Sean Kelly.
Cutting their teeth on the DIY circuit across North America, Machine Girl have quickly become known for their unpredictable and cathartic live shows, amassing a rabid following of club kids, punks and metal heads reveling in the bands amorphous blur between grindcore mosh pit and underground gabber rave.
Alongside fellow New York artists Bonnie Baxter, Prison Religion and Deli Girls, Machine Girl spearhead a recent wave of DIY music culture existing on the borders between punk, noise, techno, and rap, with few, if any, belonging squarely to any one tradition. Sonically collapsing the borders between these genres, Machine Girl’s music reflects the sensual overload of an omnipresent media in which public truth has become a prism of intersubjective realities and global tribalism no longer bound to a common fabric of facts or local cultural truths. It represents a postmodern world in which cultural points of reference have become universal, readily available to anyone at any time to be consumed, disconnected from their original meaning to be rearranged, culturally recharged and globally reconnected in ad lib fashion.
Supported using public funding by the Slovak Art Council and Bratislava City Foundation.

The video was created also by volunteers, as part of a project supported by the European Solidarity Corps program.
Video vzniklo aj vďaka dobrovoľníkom, v rámci projektu podporeného z programu Európsky zbor solidarity.

Video: Daniel Kazankov & Anouk Maniere & Vlad Bacila
Interview: Terezia Šabová
Production: Ludovit Napoky

Find us on:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/A4.priestor.sucasnej.kultury
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/astvorka
Website: https://a4.sk/