A4 – Priestor súčasnej kultúry / NEXT Festival 2017
Morton Subotnick + Lillevan (performance)
Americký skladateľ Morton Subotnick je bezpochyby jedným z pionierov elektronickej hudby. Autor kultovej skladby Silver Apples of The Moon stál v 60. rokoch za inováciami v rámci elektronickej hudby a stojí za nimi dodnes. Má na svedomí zrod San Francisco Tape Music Center, kam sa chodili inšpirovať aj psychedelické kapely, spoluzakladal California Institute of the Arts, učil na legendárnej Mills College a New York University. Jeho kompozície prekypujú prekvapivými kontrapunktami, pulzujúcimi komplexnými rytmami a psychedelicky farebným zvukom legendárneho modulárneho syntetizátora Buchla, ktorý pomáhal vyvíjať.
V slovenskej premiére sa Subotnick predstavil na festivale NEXT 2017 spoločne s nemeckým videoartovým vizionárom Lillevanom, ktorý sa preslávil už ako člen dua Rechenzentrum.
V rámci projektu medzinárodnej spolupráce Re-Imagine Europe, spolufinancovaného EU programom Kreatívna Európa, Fondom na podporu umenia a Bratislavským samosprávnym krajom.
Video vzniklo aj vďaka dobrovoľníkom, v rámci projektu podporeného z programu Európsky zbor solidarity.
The composer and performer Morton Subotnick is one of the pioneers in the development of electronic music and multi-media performance and an innovator in works involving instruments and other media, including interactive computer music systems. Most of his music calls for a computer part, or live electronic processing; his oeuvre utilizes many of the important technological breakthroughs in the history of the genre. In the early 1960’s, Subotnik, along with Pauline Oliveros and Ramon Sender, formed the San Francisco Tape Music Center. He was also one of the founding members of California Institute Of The Arts, where he taught for many years.
Morton Subotnick collaborates with video artist Lillevan (ex-Rechenzentrum) for a light and sound duet. Featuring musical resources from Subotnick’s analog recordings and his newest electronic patches and techniques, all music was performed spontaneously on a hybrid Buchla 200e/Ableton Live “instrument” and accompanied with live video animation by Lillevan.
Produced by A4 as a part of a project of international cooperation Re-Imagine Europe, co-financed
by the program of EU Creative Europe and supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council and Bratislava Autonomous Region.
The video was created also by volunteers, as part of a project supported by the European Solidarity Corps program.
Video: Santiago Mejías & Boris Vitázek
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NEXT Festival:
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Website: https://2017.nextfestival.sk
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