A4 Priestor súčasnej kultúry
The Informals / Неформалы (AV performance)
Tvorcov audiovizuálnej performance The Informals / Неформалы sme vyspovedali počas ich júnového vystúpenia v A4. V Bratislave preskúmali aj opustené budovy – urbex s miestnymi digitálnymi domorodcami, čím vytvorili paralelu k ich tvorbe.
Audiovizuálna performance The Informals / Неформалы je sčasti autobiografické dielo, sčasti univerzálne vyhlásenie o nekonformných spôsoboch života v digitálnom veku. Polina Medvedeva a Andreas Kühne skúmajú improvizačné techniky v médiu live dokumentárneho filmu o mladých „digital natives“ v Murmansku. Aby unikli normám a sociálnym konštruktom severného Ruska, miestni mládežníci obsadzujú opustené priestory, kde zažívajú spoločné improvizačné happeningy. Medvedeva a Kühne cestovali do oblasti bývalej vojenskej základne a prostredníctvom dokumentácie a improvizácie ju dočasne prenesú do súčasnosti.
V rámci projektu medzinárodnej spolupráce Re-Imagine Europe, spolufinancovaného EU programom Kreatívna Európa a z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia.
We interviewed the creators of the audiovisual performance The Informals / Неформалы during their June performance in A4. They explored abandoned buildings – urbex in Bratislava with the local „digital natives“, as a parallel to their research in Russia.
The Informals / Неформалы is partly an autobiographical work, partly a universal statement on the notions of decentralisation, collectivism, and non-conformist ways of living in the digital age. Polina Medvedeva and Andreas Kühne research improvisational techniques in the medium of documentary. Their methodology resembles the patterns of the ‘digital natives’ of Murmansk. In order to escape the norms and social constructs of the North of Russia, young people in Murmansk gravitate to deserted spaces in their area, where they collectively improvise with space, adding a new layer to its genealogy. Medvedeva and Kühne traveled back to the former military zone where Medvedeva was born and through documentation and field improvisation – much like the youths of the Murmansk region – temporarily transferred it into the present. The data they have collected is divided into elements and prepared for live triggering and processing. It resembles an audiovisual instrument which, when played by the artist duo, produces new unscripted versions with each live performance. The piece has been commissioned by Sonic Acts and Inversia Festival, Murmansk.
Produced by A4 as a part of a project of international cooperation Re-Imagine Europe, co-financed by the program of EU Creative Europe and supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.
Interview & authors concept & video: Daniel Kazankov
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